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Country Baskets

My days at the moment are quite strange. I have recently quit my job. It is very unlike me to throw in the towel with nowhere else to go, but there are only so many times you can handle the dirty underwear of someone you don’t know. The phrase ‘stranger danger’ takes on a whole new meaning when you work in a Laundry. So now here I am, unemployed, fresh from an interview for a job that I may well get offered but can’t accept, dirty feet from walking home barefoot after my stupid heels started rubbing, stressed out about money and trying to plan a wedding. The sun was shining though, so at least I've still go that happy spring feeling!

When you get engaged you think planning a wedding is going to be so exciting and magical and you will sleep soundly every night and have sweet, sweet dreams about unicorns and fluffy rabbits with wings that fly over rainbows. Well, unless you’re Brad and Angelina and you have millions of pounds at your disposal, it just aint gonna happen. Especially if you’re planning a DIY wedding such as we are, and everything has to come from our own brains and we have to make it work, there’s no safety net…scary right?

Despite the terror that grips me continuously, most often at night, when I lie awake, numbers and calculations dancing before my eyes, images of seating plan mistakes, terrible DJs and a wedding cake that won’t stand up, I’m starting to realise that actually none of it really matters. It is all actually so freaking cool! I get to plan a whole massive party and it can be exactly what I want! I mean, sure, there are definitely stresses involved, but it’s not the little things, it’s the big things, like making sure there is enough food for everyone. Oh yeah, and there’s that big one too, making sure there is a venue…

Anyway, let’s just forget all this for a second. I want to talk about the magical wonderland that is Country Baskets.


There are 8 branches spread out over the UK so you’re sure to find one, and believe me it’ll be well worth the trip. From glass bottles to tiny paper flowers, from hessian to disposable cameras, Country Baskets has a great selection of everything you could think of, and plenty of things you never would have.


I visited earlier this week with my lovely best friend Holly, her fiancé James and her Mum Liz. Holly and James are getting married in August so we were on the hunt for some awesome finishing touches. And boy did we find them! I won’t go into the details because no bride wants her wedding plans displayed on the internet for all to see, that said, I plan to do exactly that. It might be a train wreck, or it might be a dream come true, either way, I’m going to start sharing my very DIY wedding plans on here as they develop. Hopefully somewhere down the line they’ll help another clueless bride like me who is drowning in an imaginary sea of invitations, flowers and seat covers.

Peace! xxx


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